News & Events

Charles J. Engar is Honored

The following appeared in the Aug. 25, 1910 edition of the Richfield Reaper:

The two Rexburg, Ida. papers speak highly of one of Sevier County’s former citizens, Charles J. Engar, The Current Journal has the following:

“A very elaborate party was held at the club rooms Wednesday night as a testimonial to Prof. Chas J. Engar who will leave Rexburg shortly.The affair was gtten up by young ladies and by C. G. Keller, manager and booster of the band. No effort was spared in the preparation and it was certainly a pleasing success. The band which Mr. Engar has trained so well were out early serenading and they furnished good music all evening. The entertainment consisted of dancing and a delicious luncheon. A beautiful ring was presented to Prof. Engar, Mr. Keller making the presentation speech. Mr. Engar in responding regretted to leave such loyal friends. The attendance was large and represented people from the whole community.

“Prof Engar leaves next month for Preston where he has accepted a position at the Oneida Stake Academy. He will be missed in Rexburg. He has lived here four years and has had charge of the musical work at the Ricks Academy. He is also leader of the town band, one of the most successful musical organizations we have ever had.” 

… Mr. Engar has accepted a position at the stake academy at Preston as music director, where he will re cieve a higher salary for his services, the Reaper rejoices with his many friends here in his success.